A friend sent this site to me.. pretty usefull ifyou want to search in both Yahoo and google at the same time :) gahooyoogle
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Forget the Schnappi song.. This one rocks even more.
Here are the lyrics if you want to sing along
If You Come Today !
If you come today, its too early If you come tomorrow, its too late If you come today, its too early If you come tomorrow, its too late You pick the time, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, Darling !
If you come today, its too early If you come tomorrow, its too late
Did you say morning ? no, no, its not good, Did you say evening ? no no, its too bad, Did you say noon ? no no its not the time, What did you say ? Hey, what did you say ? Nothing, oh its all right, You pick the time, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, Darling !
If you come today, its too early, If you come tomorrow, its too late.
Million drums beat in my heart, Million dreams haunt my heart, Million desires spring in my heart, Million memories seize my heart,
Million drums beat in my heart, Million dreams haunt my heart, Million desires spring in my heart, Million memories seize my heart.
You pick the time, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik,
If you come today, its too early, If you come tomorrow, its too late, You pick the time, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, tik tik tik tik tik tik, Darling !
I'm so excited that I can't write anything on this. Read for yourself: http://www.dnanetworks.com/iron_maiden.html http://www.ironmaiden.com/index.php?categoryid=8&p2_articleid=433
I have been listening to Rock music from my school days but it was only after I joined college that I started going to Rock Concerts regularly. Unfortunately the India Rock Music scene has gone nowhere even with so many talented bands probably because Filmy music has always dominated our airwaves! Here are some links to some of my favourite resources for Indian Rock Music:
Radio Verve An internet radio station which plays Indian Rock Music. They don't have an expansive playlist but still plays some good music.
RSJ Online Online presence of the Rock Street Journal magazine. Which was one of the earliest magazines dedicated to Rock Music in India. I still remember going umpteen times to the newspaper hawker near my school to check and see if the next issue had come :) The site has a music library of Indian rock bands, Gig schedules and Articles. They also have an online forum which tends to go down quite often ;) http://www.rsjforum.noes.com
Gigpad Another great site and probably one of my frequent haunts.. It has a message board, album reviews, Gig schedules, news and lots more.
Russell Peters This amazing stand up comedian has his roots in India. His parents are originally from Calcutta and they later migrated to Canada. His standup act is really hilarious and focusses a lot on Asian particularly racial stereotyping.
These are the India dates from his website BANGALORE - 28.02.07 BOMBAY - 02.03.07 NEW DELHI - 07.03.07
IRON MAIDEN I'm not gonna introduce them because if you don't know them you are not listening :) Well.. They are supposed to play in Bangalore on March 17th according to some news reports (Yahoo News and DNA) but there is no official confirmation of it. I'm gonna have all my fingers crossed. I have seen two international acts before (Deep Purple and Joe Satriani) and if this concert happens its going to be really special :) Whats next? A G3 concent in India?? Who knows!!
I have become kind of a bounty hunter for free/open source softwares. Here is another one that caught my eye. Paint.NET 3 Seems to be a good software for Photo editing ala Photoshop. I haven't actually worked on it yet but it has got some good reviews so far. You can download it here
If you do a lot of youtubing then the VideoDownloader Mozilla firefox extension will come in very useful. Grab it here
Just to prove that the best things in life are free... here are some of my favourite Free Softwares. It's an excellent alternative for the Microsoft Office suite and Version 2.xx has really shown improvement interms of speed and features. The Suite contains: Writer – Equivalent of MS Word Calc – Equivalent of MS Excel Impress – Equivalent of MS Powerpoint Draw – Illustration tool Base – Equivalent of MS Access Math – Something to do with equations, my pea brain cannot figure it out!
Google Earth I'm sure all of you have heard about it..It's a map of the earth :) Download here
Google SketchUp It's a free to use 3D modelling software. More info here Download here
Audacity Its an open source software useful for audio editing and recording. You will have to download the LAME encoder separately if you want to export files to MP3 though. Download here
VideoLAN - VLC media player Amazing Media Player which supports a wide range of Video and Audio formats. Download here
I don't know why I registered for a blog site! Probably because some of my close buddies have one? Show off some of my photographic skills (I lack writing skills!)? Share some tidbits of info I come across? I'm not sure but you will find out soon enough :)